Selecting multiple FBD-elements

  How to select multiple FBD-elements in the â†’graphical FBD-editor:

  1. Press and hold the primary mouse button, then move the mouse pointer so that the appropriate FBD-elements are included within a selection frame.
    (info) Here it is also possible to include only connection points in the selection frame. This makes it possible to subsequently reconnect or even disconnect the connected lines.
    Recommended: Keep the mouse pointer within the FBD-editor in order to avoid a problem that might occur regarding the selection frame (see FAQ-article "A selection frame within the FBD-editor is visible, nothing is selected. What to do?"). 

  2. Release the primary mouse button.


  1. Select the first FBD-element by clicking onto it.
    (info) Here it is also possible to select connection points.

  2. Press and hold the Ctrl-key.

  3. Select the next FBD-element by clicking onto it.
    Result: Both FBD-elements are selected.

  4. Repeat the last step until all requested FBD-elements are selected.

How to select all FBD-elements in the graphical FBD-editor: 

  • From the context menu of the FBD-editor, choose Select All. Alternative: Press Ctrl+A.
    (info) Here the connection points are not included within the selection.

How to deselect the FBD-elements:

  • Click the primary mouse button over an empty area of the graphical FBD-editor.

See "Selecting variables/instances in the list" for details on the selection within the list of the declared variables.